1 min read

Saturday Quickie II

February Daily Blogging - Day 22
Saturday Quickie II

I can’t ramble on too long because I have to go prep my computer for surgery.

I told K I was nervous about the procedure and she looked at me in alarm until she realized I meant the computer.

“It’s a full organ transplant!” I said. “It’s dangerous.”

K replied with all the confidence of a Grey’s Anatomy surgeon, “When have I ever broken a computer?”

And it’s true that she never has, but I wanted to get this blog post out just in case the worst should happen.

“You could also just write it from your iPad,” K said.

And okay, sure. But that would rob me of the opportunity to be dramatic and annoying before she’s even had her coffee, and who would want that?

I shall now go on to ensure that all my files are properly backed up before bidding farewell to my old computer case. It won’t be a long goodbye, though, as the case will soon embark on a new journey across the hallway to begin life as part of K’s home lab. There’s even talks of turning it into a second NAS.

So, onwards toward new beginnings.