Pre-Coffee Parallel Universe Hopping

So, this morning when I got up to make coffee I glanced out the front of the house and noticed that the gate was open. We like to leave it open whenever we have a package arriving or when the neighborhood kids are playing. They like to kick their ball into our yard and it’s much easier to let them come in and retrieve it than make them ring the doorbell every five minutes.
Since I knew K had a work presentation later I wanted to ask about the delivery so I could keep an eye out for it.
Me: Do we have a delivery coming? K: I don’t think so… Me: Oh, ‘cause I saw you left the gate open K: I didn’t leave the gate open
Confused, I went to check and indeed the gate was closed.
But it was open this morning. I looked three times!
Did I see it wrong? Is it possessed? Did I switch universes?
All equally plausible.
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