1 min read

Not through me

February Daily Blogging - Day 25
Not through me

I was watching this Daily Stoic video last night and was happy to note that I’ve actually implemented a lot of these practices into my life: journaling, focusing on what I can control, reading more books, reading less news, putting my attention on the things that don’t change rather than worrying about the things that do.

I especially liked this quote from Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn:

You can resolve to live your life with integrity. Let your credo be this: Let the lie come into the world, let it even triumph. But not through me.

At the end of the day, it’s really all about how we choose to let the world affect us. How we allow external forces to shape our thoughts and in turn our actions.

My platform is small, but what I choose to write about and what I choose to share has always been with pure intention. I’m always very conscious of what I put out into the world because I believe it all matters.

I believe we all matter.

Hate and negativity may continue to spread … but not through me.