Sunday Rambling: From Linux to Peanut Butter Sandwiches

As previously mentioned, I switched from Windows to Linux Mint a few days ago. One of many “one day, maybe” items on my to-do list. My reasons for switching (aside from better privacy) is that I enjoy the process of trying new things. I’d installed Linux many years ago and enjoyed the experience. I can’t remember why I lost those installations, but I imagine it was some combination of changing computers and being lazy. I’m very happy that I finally got around to trying it again.
Last night, K decided to follow my lead.
She chose a different distribution (Elementary OS) and took the plunge. So far she likes it, but I think whether she sticks to it or not will depend on whether she can get New World (and WoW) running on it effectively.
My plan was always to keep Windows for gaming, but if she can get New World and WoW working, then that means I can also get New World and WoW working, and then I don’t have to keep Windows at all. (Since I’m not currently playing anything I haven’t bothered trying to figure out how to set them up).
So far my biggest challenge on Linux has been installing Espanso. Installing Espanso was imperative as I absolutely needed the ability to insert the current time into my daily Obsidian log.
Unfortunately, for reasons that I could not begin to understand, the installation wasn’t working. It took a lot of reading through words that didn’t make sense and doing some acrobatics in the terminal to finally get it installed.
It felt pretty satisfying, not gonna lie.
Typing out cryptic commands and watching streams of letters and numbers fly across my screen made me feel like a hacker hunkered down in a dark basement somewhere.
My nefarious plot: unlocking the ability to expand a keyword into this: 02:30 PM:
When I first had the thought that daily blogging would be a good idea, I remember journaling: “Okay, but I should plan out my posts.” And you know what I didn’t do? Plan out my posts.
I could probably spend all day rambling on here, but I should probably go off to do other things. Make more coffee, for example. Or a peanut butter sandwich.
Ooh, a peanut butter sandwich sounds good.
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