Fountain Pens, New Computers, and My Birthday Curse

As predicted by time, I turned Old(er) this past Monday and now I’m well on my way to Ancient. But I had a very nice birthday. K made waffles and gifted me two fountain pens + an ink well.

Now that I’ve been using my fountain pens exclusively for two days, I can confidently say that they’re my favorite. It’s such a smooth and pleasant experience that I find myself writing for longer.
Did K manage to find me “The One Pen” on the first try? It’s very possible.
Both pens are Faber-Castell. One has a Fine point nib and the other (the black) has Extra Fine. After trying both, I think I prefer the Fine. The ink flows out much better and doesn’t scratch on the paper as much.
That said, I’ve been using the black pen more because I prefer journaling with black ink.
For science, I ordered myself the same black pen with the Fine point nib to see if I like it better. It’s possible that because the black ink is a refill from a different brand that it’s the ink and not the nib that’s the problem. So we shall test that out. Stay tuned for the thrilling results.
In other news, I’m getting a new computer.
Well. I’m getting new computer components which when put together will form a new computer.
This means reinstalling Windows and Linux – again – which I’m not looking forward to, but it also means my computer will be so powerful it could potentially become sentient and take over the world.
I think. I don’t actually know what K ordered.
The only thing we haven’t bought for it yet is the video card. We’re waiting for the reimbursement from the ultra widescreen monitor (my 2022 birthday present), as I’ve decided to upgrade my video card instead of replacing the monitor with another widescreen.
I’m starting to think all my birthday gifts are cursed. My parents got me a wine fridge last year and it broke and had to be fixed and now it’s acting up again. K got me a popcorn machine last year and it melted. The monitor from two years ago died. The computer case from this year has broken RGB lights (so we had to order it again for the third time).
At least the fountain pens work. knock on wood
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