1 min read


February Daily Blogging - Day 11

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from this daily blogging exercise is that I do not need to be blogging every day. But is that going to stop me? No. We are in this now.

The weather today is a gloomy 11°C.

Items on my to-do list:

The One Thing:

☑ TBSOL edits

Other Things:

☑ Blog post
☐ Create an Obsidian vault for Project: Midnight
☐ Organize all my notes for Project: Midnight
☐ Clean out the coffee machine
☐ Switch out the coffee beans
☐ Laundry

I’m trying to savor my coffee today because we’re all out of this one and it’s my favorite. Procuring more beans requires an expedition to far away lands with no guarantee of success.

(K will say I’m being dramatic, but when it comes to being out of coffee I would argue that you can never be dramatic enough).

Speaking of dramatic, Poe just insisted on entering my office. He scratched politely at the door until I opened it. Since I knew he’d likely come in and immediately want to leave again, I left the door open enough that he could get out.

But no.

He sat by the door meowing mournfully. He stared at me with sad, betrayed eyes. “Cruel human, why have you trapped me here?”

I stared back at him.

“I shall perish in this cell,” he meowed. “Held captive against my will. Oh, won’t anyone save me?”

I stood up and opened the door more.

He strutted out.
