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Challenge Complete ☑️

February Daily Blogging - Day 28
Challenge Complete ☑️

Takeaways from this daily blogging challenge:

  • This was not as difficult as I thought it would be
  • And while totally unnecessary
  • It was also kind of fun

I’ve been trying not to overthink things too much these days. Why not do a thing just to do it and not because anyone wants it or expects it or because I feel some responsibility towards it?

If my goal last year was to worry less, I think this year it’s just to share more. Share more just for the fun of it without worrying about how it will be received.

Is it too short? Who cares. Too long? Whatever. Boring? Not for me to say.

Moving forward I will continue to use this space to ramble on about whatever I feel like on any given day. There can never be too many posts on the Internet about index cards, me thinks.