1 min read

2025-0305 Ing-teresting Things

2025-0305 Ing-teresting Things

It’s been a while since I’ve shared some things I’ve found interesting (hereby re-branded as “ing-teresting”) so here are five fresh items to add to your Read It Later app:

  • Carl Jung’s Hand-Drawn, Rarely Seen Manuscript The Red Book: A compendium of dreams and mystical visions that Carl Jung experienced and recorded in an effort to better understand himself. According to Psychology Today, The Red Book manuscript is “a very personal record of Jung’s complicated, tortuous and lengthy quest to salvage his soul.”
  • The Golden Age of Japanese Pencils, 1952-1967: Who doesn’t love a historical overview of Japanese pencils?
  • The Longest Sentence in Literature: In Absalom, Absalom! William Faulkner crafted a 1,288 word sentence which The Guinness Book of World Records credits as being the longest sentence in literature. The longest sentence in English writing, however, for now belongs to Jonathan Coe’s The Rotter’s Club, which concludes with a 33-page, 13,955 word sentence.
  • Anunnaki Aliens in the Bible (VIDEO): Despite the click-baity title, this video is a fascinating look at the similarities between the Bible stories and the Ancient Mesopotamian Myths. Is it possible that religious history is really just a retelling of alien visitation experiences? Ancient alien theorists say yes.
  • Signature Moves: Are we losing the ability to write by hand?: The ability to read and write is disappearing across the world as schools shift priorities to teaching kids what they consider to be more relevant skills. But it’s not just handwriting that’s in peril, technology is affecting our very ability to think.